Source: Dllu
Carnegie Mellon University Hunt Library, Pittsburgh campus
Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley does not operate a library on campus, but we do have specialized library resources available for students, faculty, and staff.
Silicon Valley Campus Guide resources:
- Interlibrary Loan
- e-book developments
- University Libraries Quick Links
Local library options
Mountain View, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, San Jose and Palo Alto libraries are LINK+ participants. LINK+ is a union catalog of contributed holdings from participating libraries in California and Nevada. Patrons from member libraries electronically request an item not available in their own library and it is delivered to them for check-out. LINK+ may be accessed directly or while using the local catalogs of participating libraries. The Silicon Valley Campus community can use LINK+ to borrow materials from many California public and academic libraries.
CMU Main Campus
Haoyong Lan, Engineering Librarian
CMU Silicon Valley: student-services@sv.cmu.edu