Contact NASA Dispatch
From on-campus office phone: 911
From cell phone: 650-604-5555
After reporting, immediately contact
Steven Rosenberg, 650-302-3284
or Stacy Marshall, 408-306-9417
Non-emergencies: call NASA Protective Services at 650-604-5416
Building evacuation
NASA procedures and university policy require total evacuation if an alarm is sounding. Evacuation route maps are posted throughout B23. Learn your evacuation routes and exits in advance. Know at least two ways out of your area.
Exit quickly and in an orderly fashion. Do not use the elevators.
Once outside, move away from the building to the designated assembly area so you can be accounted for. If you are in a classroom please stay with your group so your teacher can account for your presence. Do not return to the building when the alarm is turned off. Instead, wait for instructions from emergency personnel that it is safe to do so.

Source: Designated Assembly Area for B23: Anchor statue on Parade Grounds
Designated Assembly Area for B23: Anchor statue on Parade Grounds
CMU-Alert emergency notifications
All members of the Carnegie Mellon community are encouraged to register for CMU-Alert to receive voice and/or text messages on a registered phone in the event of a campus emergency. Students will be automatically registered.
Silicon Valley faculty and staff should select the dedicated Silicon Valley notification group under the "Groups" tab.
Faculty/Staff sign-up (Andrew ID required)